Restoring a downtown gem — brick by brick
August 10, 2015

Nothing quite connects you to an old building like being six stories high on a lift reviewing individual masonry joints during a masonry survey. That was my experience this morning at the Clemens Building in downtown Des Moines.
Your love of old buildings certainly comes into question as you look down 70 feet to the street below, but fear is quickly overtaken by a nurturing desire to take care and repair one of the gems of our downtown building history. The character and defining qualities of this old beauty require special attention and a detailed renovation plan.
Renovation and rehabilitation of a project depends on more than a skilled construction team. Project documentation that reflects an understanding of how the building was constructed and how to appropriately restore its defining characteristics is critical to project success. A detailed masonry survey is just one step in this process. A skilled team of architects with historic building experience understands the importance of detailed project documentation and will ensure it is part of making your project a success — brick by brick.