We know in-depth client collaboration leads to successful projects. INVISION believes traits such as the ability to listen, having vision, and attention to detail are critical for projects. We believe our most successful designs occur when our clients share these traits. From day one, we actively engage our clients. We listen and make you feel heard so you feel ownership in the process and are happy with the results.

Through interactive activities and active listening, we learn how you work
Surveys, spectrums, workflow diagraming, and other tools help us understand you and even how you interpret yourselves. We analyze what you feel is important, identify challenges, and recognize details you feel need improvement. Having this understanding lets us work with you to test the new design to see it has addressed your existing challenges. Many companies are multi-layered and have several stakeholder groups – each with their own perspective about what is important for the project. These activities help to build consensus and momentum among everyone.

Tools such as online workshop programs and polling websites have allowed us to engage effectively and collaboratively with our clients. While in-person meetings are invaluable, virtual tools have proven to have their own set of benefits:
- Decision-making happens more quickly helping improve our productivity.
- More sustainable.
- Gone are the days where you must be present to play; we can send a link to anyone unable to attend the meeting, furthering the collaborative experience.
Project drivers are developed by looking at common themes, what has the most impact, what aligns with your vision and priorities for your project. They become the guiding principles and are referenced back to throughout the course of the project to keep us aligned with your original vision.
We understand while you are searching for our design guidance, you do not want someone to dictate what is best for you. Our solutions may challenge you to expand your thinking about what your project could be. This will achieve unexpected solutions that make sense. Your involvement throughout the project makes this possible.