The client’s goal for the OneNeck Data Center was to design “the data center of the future” with modern architecture and a contemporary finish palette. As a flagship project, the state of the art facility in Denver was built with innovative functionality and security solutions to provide a template for future facilities. INVISION worked with the owner to design a facility without site-specific constraints, allowing replication of the design as needed for future projects.
The data center contains two 4,000 sf data rooms for mission-critical servers. Other spaces within the building provide redundant mechanical, electrical, and telecom services for these data rooms, which improves reliability for clients. Separating all access work spaces, storage, and loading dock from critical spaces such as the data rooms allowed for increased security.
Areas around the perimeter of the building double as functional storage and added security, creating a buffer between the data rooms and exterior walls. The site allows for expansion and the building was designed to accommodate multiple additions. The long-term plan includes the possibility of the data center expanding up to five times its current size.